Friday 14 April 2017

Dear Jane oops.....

I think its important that we sometimes show the out takes, the add ons at the end of television shows that makes the characters human. The 'oops' moments!

I wonder how many 'oops' moments Jane Stickle had during the making of her quilt. Did she cover them up? Are there any secret blocks that started life in another form? Its that moment when you take your eye off the ball or let your mind wander and not be present that such incidents occur! I was only two blocks in to my quilt challenge and had two back to back unfortunate circumstances.

 Incident #1:

How could this have happened? I was so careful. I might just get away with it. Although the seam allowances are so tight.....I might not.

Incident #2:

Spot the difference?

I was never going to get away with this one! I chopped the seam allowance off all the way round! Why for goodness sake?? It's a rookie error and sparked an eye rolling reaction when I realised what I'd done.

But like everything else in life that doesn't quite go to plan, its about getting back on the horse. So I did. The moral of the tale is simple.....concentrate!


  1. Whilst not good that these happened it is good to show sometimes - especially for those new to quilting that these things can happen. Sometimes they can be salvaged and sometimes they can not. Interesting about taking your eye off the ball - I have just done that and got my finger caught under my hopping foot and have a ripped nail and bloody finger as a result :(

    1. Ouch! I’ll bet that’s a stinger! Its an occupational hazard, I hope you didn’t get blood on your work though! Will it stop you? ……..I doubt it, real troupers us quilters don’t you think? Hope it heals soon :)

  2. That first block is especially cute! I'd piece another corner onto it, matching fabric or something similar. Fun to see your Dear Jane so far!

    1. Thank you Nancy for your tip. I really hadn't thought of doing that, I'll give it a go.

  3. You are so right! If nothing else, posting our bloopers shows others that we definitely make mistakes, too! I don't LOVE to show mine, but quite honestly, so much of what I do ends up off for one reason or another. I might as well point it out, so maybe someone else won't do the same! lol.. maybe someday that won't be the case, but for now, I embrace it and know that I am not perfect! =)

    1. I have seen so many blog posts where people just show the beginning the middle and the end and it all looks like plain sailing (if it is, good for them) but I somehow doubt it! I just couldn't believe that I did one mistake after another on Dear Jane....there was lots of sighing going on and I just felt I had to confess :/
